Career Change

This Just Might Work

Last year, I learned to say no. I learned to walk away from opportunities that didn’t feel quite right. Every time I listened to what my mind, heart and body were telling me, I got a...

3 min read
Haley Stomp

Last year, I learned to say no. I learned to walk away from opportunities that didn’t feel quite right. Every time I listened to what my mind, heart and body were telling me, I got a little stronger. I made a list of must-haves in my next role. I intentionally designed my day and my life to be happier.

Tell Me A Story

I read about boundaries and being a badass and finding my North Star. I discovered other people’s stories of strength and resilience. I had coffee with a suburban dad and successful podcaster who wanted to move his family to Italy, so he did. I read about a guy who was critically injured by a baseball bat in high school and went on to write a famous book about his process to get better. I met a guy who inspires millions with his faith, courage and love for others, and incidentally, lives in the most idyllic part of southern California.

I made friends with a successful, genuine guy with two first names who lives in Indiana, loving and writing about his two handicapped brothers. I read story upon story of survival and grit during wars and political strife. I read a crazy story about a software mogul turned forest yogi; this guy just surrendered to what he felt the world was telling him to do. He took “surrender” to a whole new level, and it all worked out — really well.

Important People

I spent many hours doing yoga and discussing personal finances and life with a caring, talented woman who moved to the US from China thirty years ago, after getting a degree in American Literature (in China!). I found accountability with a coach who was formerly a lawyer in the recording industry and who, during our time together, moved his family from Philadelphia to Miami because it felt right.

I reconnected with a coworker from my very first job after college, and we picked right back up on the laughter and bullshit, twenty some years later. I spent time with a couple of my best college friends, and we basked in the love and light of deep friendships that grow even in absence, separated by years of life’s biggest hills. I wrote and recorded a song with my favorite local rock star, which still feels like I’m awake and dreaming. If you think you’ll hear it anytime soon, you’re also dreaming.

I could go on about all of the amazing people I met and stories I read last year, but it’s time for me to continue writing my story. I’ve been open to what’s next. I’ve stopped resisting and let go, as much as a midwestern, engineer, corporate CMO, mom in her forties can. I’m looking for my Greenlights (Thanks, Matthew McConaughey!).

The Next Chapter

The next chapter is here. It’s bookmarked and ready to write. After saying no and clearing the way for yes, I found the right next move. This week I will be partnering with three amazing guys to launch a new company called Propel. Mostly, I just really enjoy building something with these guys. They are fun, smart, inspiring and make me want to be the best version of myself. And we are excited to offer something we think can help others; we can bring our expertise in a way that is accessible and ready now. If you’re interested, follow our LinkedIn page ( this week for an announcement. Also, be sure to check out Greg Bailey, Randy Bachman and Glenn Rothenberg on LinkedIn. I’ve been hanging out with them for a couple months. They are awesome, and I appreciate their courtesy laughter at my jokes.

Blast Off!

So, this just might work. All of the openness I’ve cultivated in the past year and the work I’ve done to pivot to a new path was what I needed. I’m going for it, and either way, you’ll get to read about it. It could be part Finding Nemo and part Games Of Thrones, or hopefully it’s more The Office meets Ted Lasso, with hints of Star Wars, the newer trilogies, because, well, technology. Stay tuned for the blast off!