Career Change

I Feel The Need For Speed!

Photo of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels I took in Annapolis, Maryland It turns out I can’t stay in the slow lane forever. I’ve meandered through wildflower fields, smelled the roses,...

3 min read
Haley Stomp

Photo of the U.S. Navy Blue Angels I took in Annapolis, Maryland

It turns out I can’t stay in the slow lane forever. I’ve meandered through wildflower fields, smelled the roses, appreciated all the beauty this life has to give and now I’m ready to go faster. How fast remains to be seen, but I know I’m ready. Things are heating up. Today I did work on four different opportunities. After patience and persistence, doors are opening. Now I get to choose which ones to walk through.

Life has seasons. I’m watching as my parents transition into their new season of retirement, and it’s a joy. My mom can talk in the middle of the day now. She has an amazing tan and radiates beauty. Yesterday I FaceTimed my parents and was lucky enough to also get my grandma in the picture; they were driving her home from the dentist. I am not in retirement season. I was in recovery season. Now I’m in get-back-after it season. Maybe it’s the start of a new school year, or maybe I’m just ready. I’m reminded of the scene in Wedding Crashers where John (Owen Wilson) is trying to steal back Claire (Rachel McAdams), and he says he just watched a woman lose the person she loves most, but he doesn’t have to “not me, not yet.” That’s where I’m at with my career. I’m not done building — not me, not yet.

So how do I enter this new season with the lessons from the past year or so? How do I approach it in a new way? All this work on changing and growing. What do I keep because it’s what makes me me, and what do I need to adjust to make this next phase better and possibly stay near the speed limit?

A very wise woman asked me how I’ll approach work differently this time. Here are some of the lessons I’m taking forward:

  1. My life is my life. It does not belong to a company. I get to set boundaries that work for me and my family.
  2. It doesn’t have to be perfect to work. I don’t have to be the perfect employee to still hit my goals.
  3. There will be a lot of opportunities. If it doesn’t feel right, say no.
  4. No one else has it figured out either. Be open to help from all places.
  5. Every day you’ve worked has created a deep set of skills. For the love of God, don’t discount your worth.
  6. Work is work. There will always be hard parts and learning.
  7. Other people’s stress doesn’t have to be your stress.
  8. The things you water will grow. Likewise, the things you don’t, won’t.
  9. If you like listening to Spanish acoustic guitar and getting henna tattoos, then do it. Be you. You’re wonderful.
  10. Have some fun once in awhile.
  11. Being part of a team is rewarding. Put people around you that bring value to your journey.
  12. You are not alone.
  13. Things will come to you if you keep moving forward and have some patience. Don’t panic. Life has a way of working out.

Like Christopher Walken says to Rachel McAdams (Wedding Crashers again), “Your whole life, it’s going to be OK.” Some days you need to park the car and enjoy the trail. Other days you need to crank up the rock and roll, hold on to the water bottle in your Mom SUV cup holder, barrel down the road and pretend you’re shifting gears on the Autobahn toward your next most excellent adventure. Full speed ahead!