Mugshots: Not The Kind You Think
I love coffee. No matter where I am, there is comfort in holding a warm cup of it, smelling it, watching the steam rise on a cold morning...
(mugshots by Haley Stomp)
I love coffee. No matter where I am, there is comfort in holding a warm cup of it, smelling it, watching the steam rise on a cold morning. These are moments of peace, joy and possibility. Maybe you will find something great here, too.
Here are some of my mugshots:

Mugshot 1: The Upside-Down Handle
This mug was a gift from a friend. It’s handmade, a little quirky and is a reminder that sometimes things turn out better than you expect.

Mugshot #2: Grandma’s Kitchen
If Corelle ware doesn’t evoke childhood memories, then you must have had more money in the 1970s and 1980s than we did. All that’s missing here are the molasses cookies and my grandma’s laugh.

Mugshot #3: Johannesburg
Yes, there is a Seattle Coffee Company in South Africa (not to be confused with Seattle’s Best). It’s locally owned, and they sponsor a biking friend of mine, who was kind enough to introduce me to this place. The ordering lingo is very different from the U.S., and it’s partially in Afrikaans, but the enjoyment of the store, people and coffee was a bit of home, a long, long way from home.

Mugshot #4: Eat Me
This is just funny. I saw it in a wonderful place in Des Moines called Scenic Route Bakery, and this mugshot makes me happy every time I see it. Plus, Florida. I love Florida, alligators and all!

Mugshot #5: Cannon Beach
I’ve been all around the world, and this place makes my top five: Cannon Beach, Oregon. It doesn’t get much better, and every time I’m having a bad day day, I want to get in my car and drive all the way there (all 1,886 miles). Sea Level is a sweet, seaside cafe with a killer quiche.

Mugshot #6: Eataly
I love Italy and Italian food. I also love Chicago. So I when I discovered Eataly (authentic Italian grocery in downtown Chi-town), I had to have this reminder. It also symbolizes finding something wonderful during an otherwise lonely trip to the doctor.

Mugshot #7: Rocky Mountain High
Run, don’t walk, to Evergreen, Colorado. I was at almost 10,000 feet in this picture, and it was even more glorious than it looks. If you want a truly wonderful, snuggly, woods experience with elk out of your front door, go stay at Highland Haven (on the mug). The breakfast alone will make you want to drive there on a bad day (closer to Iowa than Oregon).

Mugshot #8: Professional Photographer
This mugshot was my last trip to World Dairy Expo. I was closing a chapter and opening a new one. But mostly, I couldn’t believe how perfect the bubbles looked in the picture. Madison, Wisconsin — go for the dairy, stay for the photo shoot.

Mugshot #9: I Won The Sister-In-Law Lottery
This mug lives at my brother and sister-in-law’s house. I don’t know much about it, but it makes me smile, which is exactly what my SIL does, too. It’s a lot like her — pretty, inside and out.

Mugshot #10: Wind Up In Traer
These mugs probably trigger nostalgia for many reasons, but I particularly like the “Wind up in Traer” one. Traer, Iowa, has a population of 1500 and is famous for a winding staircase on one of its buildings, which falls in the category of “work with what you got” and makes for a pretty cool mug.
Peace, Love and Hugs
Hope you enjoyed the mug club review! Here’s to finding the answers, or a little peace and quiet, in a warm cup of Joe.