A Better Life

Are You Using Your Powers For Good?

(Author’s photo of Chicago’s Cloud Gate, aka the bean) Art is powerful. Storms are powerful. People are powerful. Last week I talked about superpowers. I have been...

3 min read
Haley Stomp

(Author’s photo of Chicago’s Cloud Gate, aka the bean)

Art is powerful. Storms are powerful. People are powerful.

Last week I talked about superpowers. I have been thinking a lot about what it means to be powerful. How am I powerful, and who has been powerful in my life this year?

What Is Powerful?

Powerful is defined as “having great power or strength.” Alternatively, it is defined as “having, or capable of exerting power, potency or influence.”

Powerful has many looks. Things can be powerful and not necessarily be good, like a powerful smell or powerful event that causes strong emotions. Pain can be powerful. People can be powerful, strive for power and use power in a not-so-nice way. People can also be quietly and persistently powerful in positive ways.

Wordhippo.com gives some additional definitions of powerful.

  • Having great impact or influence
  • Large in magnitude or number
  • Successful in producing a desired or intended result
  • Very strong or proficient in skill or ability
  • Denotes wealth and prosperousness
  • Very difficult or impossible to forget
  • Grand or impressive in appearance
  • Involving responsibility or a degree of personal accountability
  • Having special rights, advantages or immunities
  • Imbued with passion

How do you best use power? Is it always good?

Can you make a list of people who have benefitted from your power this year?

Can you list those who’ve made a difference to you? How did they use their power?

Who Is Powerful?

Every year at this time I make a list of people who truly made a difference in my life in the past year. Most of them don’t have fancy titles. These are people for whom I truly feel compelled to send a note or buy a gift. They used their power to make my life better, and I want them to know. Telling someone they made your life better really is the best gift. You both get to celebrate.

Secure Your Own Mask First

I’ve talked a lot this year about the work I’ve done on myself, but what am I doing for others? I am reminded of one of my favorite sayings, “Please secure your mask first before assisting others.” I used to wonder about this, but I think I get it now. You can’t help others if you aren’t first OK. If I don’t have it together, how can I show my kids how to? If I don’t have a good grasp on the plan, how can I rally others? Reflectively, this year has been a lot about securing my own mask. Now that oxygen seems to be flowing again, I can acknowledge I had some work to do, go forward and focus on what I can do for others.

Giving Thanks

This time of year is good for being grateful for our lives and grateful for those who’ve impacted us. It’s time to write a note or two to people who really made a difference in your journey this year. Thank them for using their superpowers.

Thank you to all of you who have connected with me through my writing this year. You have truly made my life better with your power!! You kept me going during some hard times and laughed with me during the good ones.

Lastly, and probably least… It’s also time to look for the best white elephant gift. My son and I are betting the Bob Ross-themed energy drink is going to be a hit, and speaking of powerful, someone in my family is getting the fart piano back this year. You’re welcome! Happy Thanksgiving!