Career Change

Dream Jobs And The Messy Middle

It’s been a stuck week with the whole find-the-ultimate-next-career-move thing. On the plus side, I’ve read some great fiction to distract me from thinking about my career. I...

3 min read
Haley Stomp

It’s been a stuck week with the whole find-the-ultimate-next-career-move thing. On the plus side, I’ve read some great fiction to distract me from thinking about my career. I highly recommend The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi. This book took me back to India, and I’ve been eating Indian leftovers for three days now. I’ve also learned “mutter” means “peas” and “aloo gobi” means “potato cauliflower” and “naan” means “hurry up and eat this so no one else can have any.” Yummy! I miss some things about traveling.

See how easy it is to get distracted?

Dreams and Money

The difference between a dream and a dream job is a paycheck. I don’t have a dream job yet (or a paycheck), but I have lots of dreams — daydreams, night dreams, happy dreams, nightmares about trying to find a bathroom, little dreams and big dreams. I’m finding it hard not to quote movies right now, especially Pretty Woman, “Welcome to Hollywood! What’s your dream?”

I also have a lifetime of practice managing my money, saving for my future and making sound financial decisions. I know how to do what I was doing to get a paycheck. But what will notch my job up a level in the “dream” department, and can I let go of the self-imposed restrictions to go a new direction?

Sorting through self-imposed restrictions, I picture three versions of “career me” playing tug ‘o war right now:

  1. Fiscally-smart Haley, dressed in a conservative black jacket and pearl earrings, enjoys writing things on LinkedIn about market trends and leadership. Likes golf networking events.
  2. Competitive, driven Haley, looking to pass any metaphorical runner who looks like they didn’t train as much, runs with a stroller and dog or is one day older. Pesky achiever tendency rears its ugly head and quotes Sweet Home Alabama in a southern accent, “I am better than yoou,” when looking at job titles. Lives by the “no pain, no gain” mantra and the fear that if you aren’t first, you’re last.
  3. Creative, writing and singing Haley who envisions living part time in a yurt on the west coast while growing arugula, making homemade vinaigrette and studying subcultures. Knows the curator of the local modern art museum. Wears a lot of hats and turquoise.

I’m in the messy middle of my journey, surrounded by fog and distracted by fiction. I know great things lie beyond the fog or in it. I just need to keep going and working the plan to focus and action the things that excite me into a sharper target while keeping in mind the right work/life balance, because someone has to wipe counters and force the kids to shower and give hugs.

I don’t need the next move to be perfect or like a fairy tale. I just need it to be really good, with maybe a little bit of leadership and drive, some creativity and a chance to share a nice salad in a yurt with people who can teach me about their culture. If anyone runs across that job description, let me know!