A Better Life

When I Love You Most

When you forget you’re trying to be cool and grab my hand to hold in a store. When you wake up, hair messy, wrapped in a blanket, and come straight to me to be...

2 min read
Haley Stomp

A letter to my boys

  1. When you forget you’re trying to be cool and grab my hand to hold in a store.
  2. When you wake up, hair messy, wrapped in a blanket, and come straight to me to be held and I can nuzzle my nose into the top of your hair.
  3. When you are almost as tall as me but walk across the room just to sit on my lap.
  4. When your sweet, little face is sleeping and I remember all the times you were a sleeping baby.
  5. When you say out of the blue, “Mom, I love you.”
  6. When you draw or write something I had no idea you knew how to or knew about.
  7. When you are riding happily away from the house with your friends on bikes and scooters.
  8. When you pick out what clothes you like and your personality comes shining out.
  9. When you see your grandparents and the love that you bring each other fills the room.
  10. When you are picking out donations for the pet shelter in honor of your friend’s birthday and want to buy the whole store, but you still manage to remind me not to get any ideas about doing this in lieu of your birthday presents.
  11. When you are the brave pitcher on the mound, cool under pressure.
  12. When someone meets you for the first time and gets to see the joy and seriousness with which you spew historical facts and it makes them smile.
  13. When you are both together discussing something and you don’t know we can hear you.
  14. When you are sitting alone, completely engrossed in a book.
  15. When you are calling the cats “baby” and you think no one is listening.

This is a tiny slice of all of the millions of times I love you.